The Use of Office Chair repeated Impact Testing Machines is very Important for Manufacturers

The Use of Office Chair repeated Impact Testing Machines is very Important for Manufacturers

The office is the place where every white-collar worker works every day, and the office chair, as one of the main equipment for work, its comfort and stability are very important.


In order to ensure the quality and service life of office chairs, manufacturers have carried out a series of tests, including office chair repeated impact testing machines.

Ensure the safety and stability of office chairs.

The office chair repeated impact testing machine is a kind of equipment specially designed to simulate the impact force and pressure of the office chair during long-term use.

The purpose is to test whether the structure and materials of the office chair can withstand long-term use and ensure the safety and stability of the office chair.

BIFMA Bag Type Impactor device use in Chair Seating Durability Tester TNJ-051-Furniture Drop Testing.BIFMA X5.1- 2011 Section 8, 11.3.BIFMA X5.11-2015

Evaluate its quality and reliability

During the test, the office chair is installed on the platform of the office chair repeated impact testing machine, and after a certain frequency and force impact, to simulate the force of the office chair in the real use environment.


By observing and recording the deformation, structural failure or loosening of office chairs during impact, their quality and reliability can be assessed.

What are Two Important Functions of the Office Chair Repeated Impact Testing Machine?
What are Two Important Functions of the Office Chair Repeated Impact Testing Machine ?

Why is the office chair impact tester important for manufacturers?

The use of office chair repeated impact testing machines is very important for manufacturers.


First of all, it can help manufacturers understand the service life and reliability of office chairs, so as to detect and solve problems that may occur during long-term use of chairs in advance.


Secondly, through the test of the office chair repeated impact testing machine, manufacturers can continuously improve and optimize the structure and materials of the office chair to improve its durability and comfort.

The quality control of office chairs is very important

The test of the office chair repeated impact testing machine is a meticulous and tedious process, but it is crucial for the quality control of office chairs.


Only through scientific experiments and tests can we ensure that the office chair will not have accidents during long-term use, and ensure the work safety and health of office staff.

Plays an important role

Therefore, the office chair repeated impact testing machine plays an important role in the manufacturing process of office chairs.


Its use can not only ensure the quality and reliability of office chairs, but also promote the continuous progress and innovation of office chair manufacturing technology.


Only after repeated impact tests can the office chair truly gain the recognition and trust of consumers and become a necessary comfort tool for every office.

Innovation and development of office chair manufacturing technology

All in all, the emergence of office chair repeated impact testing machine has enabled office chair manufacturers to better understand the quality and service life of office chairs.


Its application not only improves the quality and reliability of office chairs, but also provides users with a more comfortable and safe office environment.


It is believed that in the future, the office chair repeated impact testing machine will continue to promote the innovation and development of office chair manufacturing technology and bring better working experience to office workers.